Based on this fact, I’ve taken the word “ANTHEMS” and made it the equivalent of the masthead, while the rest of the title acts as an intro to what’s inside of the magazine playlist. ¶ However, beyond the placement of the word “ANTHEMS,” I also took typographic cues from these magazines. As I began looking at these covers, I noticed that even in different countries (Radikal from France, for example), they all used squarish letterforms, similar to what you might find on gold nameplate jewelry. ¶ Lastly, I noticed that magazines such as Vibe, Blaze, and Ego-Trip used unicase (lowercase characters that are the same height as uppercase characters) ‘E’s. ¶ To emulate these typographic styles without tracing any of the logos, I used my previously released font family, VTC Spike. ¶